Sunday, 8 April 2018


I take a minute to feel sorry for myself
Taking my arm in my hand
Looking at my scars I say

"Oh you poor child,
you've been through hell.
What did you go through
that you did this to yourself?"

"O sweet child, you've never done anyone wrong.
You are worth all the tears in this world.
The world owes you so much happiness,
I just hope you stay long enough to see it"

So I raise my hand and kiss my scars.
The kisses are awkward but meaningful.
My head pounds and hand aches,
but this interaction will never see the day
for only the brave, at night, stay.

So I hope my knuckle doesn't swell
but my heart does instead
hoping to see a stranger
who will do this all over again.

1 comment:

  1. My pictures make me realize
    That for some people
    Look is the synonym of beauty
    They see the body, not the insight.

    Still, somewhere,
    I know a person exists,
    Who will love me for the person I am
    And in spite of my looks
    Will see my heart
    And say,
    "You're fine the way you are..."
    And not walk away from me in dismay...
