Friday, 11 August 2017

A Name

True love is a Simple Tragedy

For the lovers do spoil each other for the best

And though they become one until death

The world doesn't seem to be so simple


Her eyes travel around

Curious, impatient; fervent

She looks up and down the road searching for familiar faces with unease 

So as to not be seen
Her hands travel up and down the strap on her shoulder

It seems to be getting heavier as she walks closer

She can't keep up this way

It's too much

"I can't take it
The anxiety is killing me"

And killing her it was indeed

She makes way in her piteous state

"Finally I can breathe"

She says as she let's go of the weight

Hanging on to her shoulder like the Laurel  Wreath

"Doesn't even remember my name..."


"True love exists
It truly does
But finding it is
My task from dawn to dusk"

"Oh ye Cheeky!"

My friends call out

As I jump down the stage

After taking my bow

"Been a Romeo enough ?"

They ask out

"Don't mistake me for Romeo as I am a fair maiden who has come to steal Juliet
My friends do not mistaken me for Romeo for I am no man
But I am more than a man"

Finishing off with a grin and howls

I feel a push and I turn around

I see the skies trapped in her eyes

Can't seem to let go of the sight
"Doesn't even remember my name..."
I think aloud
Wild eyes shoot back at me 


Was that the day that the earth met the skies ?

Or was it the day the sky fell on Earth ?

To each his own is what says my mind

Because on that day, everything seemed fine

Yet there were fires burning in both of them

For different reasons, 

Of different seasons 


Author's Note : I have decided to post whatever I write without thinking twice. Because after all, there should be no filters in my head, right ? That's what this blog is all about.


  1. You are just another dream
    Just one more of those stupid dreams...
    U don't exist.
    If only I could tell you
    If only my lips could pronounce those three words...
    If only I had the power to take you away...
    But I've chosen the high road
    And high must i stay...
    Choosing you over me....
    Not an easy decision at all...
    My heart twists and turns in pain....
    And many a sleepless nights i spend...
    With you just within my reach...
    But still far away....

    This is just some lines written by a crazy girl, hope u like them.

    1. Oh my god. Thank you so much for taking out the time to read my blog and the comments that you've left. I really like these lines that you've written. This actually inspired me. If you would allow me to, I would like to write something which would include your lines. So do I have your permission??

  2. Yes, please do so...
    And... Can we talk?

  3. From fragments of your instagram posts and your blogs, i have learned something, that I can talk about only if you Dm me. I am always available in hangouts and dm insta
