Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Fears of Falling In Love
Saturday, 26 October 2019
Ground Zero
prayed to the ground above them.
They prayed for more worms to fall thorough these gateways
never daring to go up
they told stories form when we used to live up there
destroying the heavens with our best of abilities
but the shame of our crimes has put us in our coffins
we push up daises as offerings to the gods living above us,
hoping they will pluck us along the rest.
there is no going back from where we have reached
we have found a new meaning of life living under the pressure.
bearing fruit of crimes that we didn't commit
we're the children of sinners.
our innocence will wash them clean
another chance to be something better.
Don't Screw UP
Monday, 14 October 2019
You just feel so empty inside
So you try to fill that emptiness with love
all the positive things you can think about
But do you ever overdose?
Does it ever become too much?
It's so much that you don't feel it anymore
It just doesn't work anymore
but it returns later, with vengeance
So you take another dose,
and another
and another
Soon your body's receptors become resistant to these painkillers
So you move onto stronger ones
Until then is no stronger painkiller
but now you're addicted to the euphoria you get from them
The painkillers don't work anymore
your souls being crushed under all this
My pain is the mistress
Yet she evades me, says that she's "bad for me"
But I chose her,
yet, she refuses me.
So I try moving on, but it doesn't seem so easy.
Evasive behaviour is the worst
Why can't you be honest like nature?
Or is honesty not in your nature?
Ear wig
Like an insect
I want to crawl in your ears
Like sweet nothings whispered in the dark as I lay next to you
Making you laugh at my stupid antics
I burrow myself away in your head in memory
I will eat your brain inside out
Like a malicious disease only fit for the worst
But my dear you are quite exquisite and quite so new
Quite a delicacy on the menu
Of crustaceans and fodder
Just to know what you're thinking of
I want to see all of your thought
Like a five p.m. TV show that you watch with glazed eyes
Unmoving, brain dead, much like a vegetable
All my words are wills and wants
But will they ever be true?
Will I ever read your poetry
That you wrote about me in a mid summer fever dream
Am I your object of affection
Or merely a reflection of your needs
You fool that chases after stability, ignore not the itch at night
It's telling you to move your body against the rhythm of the world
To be more than what you were
To look within yourself and to see the shit you've filled up
Where it was supposed to be a treasury
Is a septic tank of curses that you won't break
Would you take over the world with a rug
Flying on a pole
Calling it "flag of the nation of idiots"
Because that is all we can afford to
The winds will say no to fly the flag
"Far too much dirt" will be a registered complaint by the winds of change
They don't want anything to do with you
Because at the end of the day
It's ashes to ashes
Our hearts are always bumping against the rib cages
trying to break free of the confinement
because they don't belong to us,
the belong to someone else.
because it is like a foolish bird,
that wants to rejoin it's kingdom
whose master is the sky.
it forgets about the parasites that live
in the sky; ready to use them,
abuse them, break them and swallow them.
knows it's nest is waiting,
waiting to be occupied
to fill to empty hole in somebody's chest
My Type
I never thought I would
But I see a pattern in the girls tht catch my eyes
or thin rimmed glasses
Light hair
Sharp eyes
And the worst is a captivating smile
you have no idea who this reminds you of.
while reading those features,
then I must let you know;
You're screwed.
Just like that man in an uncharacteristically bright blue kurta, begging for some money in front of a saree shop.
Who knows
Maybe he has a screw up of his own
That keep getting screwed into the wooden edges of a table
Well balanced,
Parallel to the hell beneath us
that doesn't fit in our properly sinsiter world
of line, angle and measurements.
Where nothing can happen without holy curves
Sunday, 6 October 2019
And I'm 6 years old
Begging a god that I've been taught to have faith and believe in
To let my loved ones live forever
I would always say "I don't need anything from you, just keep them safe and happy"
That is all I would ask
I've always seen people begging God for help from something or the other for themselves
But I never asked for help
I always tried to solve my own problems.
Though in the end my parents had to step in when they would notice everything going to shit
Because an 8 year old cannot score well
So I'm crying on the edge of my bedsheets
Realising that people around me are dying
At the rate where even they don't know if they will live to see another day
And it hurts me that they don't want to miss anything out of my life
For I have survived and lived for so long
But all of this makes me think if it was worth it.
Monday, 2 September 2019
The Saint
Friday, 23 August 2019
A wait
with the sounds of your butterfly wings
as you scutter past slumber full rooms
the glitter will run down your legs
and you will watch it flow into the drain
as parts of you will break themselves down
and fit perfectly in the small box.
The worms may have conquered the sky
but the soil is still yours for taking
in this world themed with all these colours
your fair palms will stand out
twirling in the air like ribbons.
I will watch them turn into fits
rising above everyone's head
holding a crushed flower
that you say has died along with your soul.
Spring will be here soon.
Sunday, 21 July 2019
I suppose it's because they choose to see the world as it really is
Some people just accept that their blurred vision is, well, just how it is
while the ones with glasses at some point realised
'hey, that's not right!' and decided to change their views
everytime they put their glasses on, they make an effort,
to see the world as it really is
that is the passion i see in some
but there is a passion I like to feel;
people always think love is this happy feeling,
which it is, I'm not saying they're wrong
but what I'm trying to express here is that sometimes it is accompanied by a lot of confusion;
confusion that hurts,
confusion that makes you feel that you are in the midst of a creamy midst that seems to stick to you at every turn you take, every flick of your arm, every move you make.
You can't blow it away, you can only waddle your way through it, like a swamp filled with flowers
but you stay to look at each flower and keep it safe in a memory.
When you finally ascend, you're covered in it.
the euphoria never lasts forever
it knows better than to give you hope,
but it made a mistake to ever set foot inside your threshold because you have no limits
you will chase after her no matter how far she runs
she is your candlestick in this grey world where nothing matters to you except what's in front
because of your quantum conscience
you love her too much
But without love, somethings would not have clarity
Friday, 19 July 2019
for her.
The misty air, sun filtering through the fog,
the world reviving itself, part by part
It meant the beginning of a whole new day
A new page in my life for a possibly new chapter
But I dislike them now
I would like to register a complaint about the unexpected
a three nights and two day stay with your soul
like a hotel in my home has left me begging for more
more of you
more of your eyes in the morning under the flying drapes
more of your smile in my arms on the sofa bed
more of your legs intertwined with mine under the table set
more of your hands pulling my hair and pushing me into you
more of you
and nothing more
I miss the sleepless continuity of our days where the nights melded into days and we would just watch the white walls change colours from black to dark to grey and sunlight would make itself known again at a time it was conventional for human beings to awake
but for our stay we were just souls
not beings
just souls being
my arms will ache for you as if a ghost limb begging to be rejoined
to be restored it to its former glory
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Tight Grip
is dependent on that simple curve of your palm
defined by the numerous strokes of fate
residing in your stretched hands
residing in the grip you had as a child
in your mother's womb
but right now my life depends on your hands
I wish i had more lazy afternoons
to blindly memorise the lines on your hand
because then i'd know my fate as well
because it is intertwined with yours
Some people judge you on your grip of a handshake
firm and confident, lousy and scared or indifferent and common
But how confidently it resides near my waist
as you guide me around a hall of strangers
that seem to know an adjacent pair of eyes so well
How gently it strokes my neck as we lay in bed empty of the day
like the bottles on the floor with shoes stuffed with socks
Some people don't have a hold on their reality
not realising how far gone they are
until there seems nothing left to hold on to
like free falling from a cliff into an ocean
instead the fear grips you and all you can feel
is the wind blowing in the wrong direction
But the grip I have on your hands right now is all i can focus on
as the rains beats against the window telling me to let you leave
the way your handprints will leave the blankets next morning
Tear my eyes away from the door frame through which i hope you would come back
I tread back to the bed in the corner of the room
shutting windows and drawing curtains to feel secure
and the only grip i have right now is on the blanket above my head
"How do we keep this this?
How do we keep this bliss?"
~Troye Sivan
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
My Kind
But they never told you about the stuck clock.
The minutes keep moving but the hours don't pass.
There doesn't seem to be a way to make time move faster.
When you watch the sand run out of time,
you realise how much you're loosing
but you can never seem to hurry it up
It takes it's time in falling down
like a child on a swirly slide
We're the only ones in a rush
running, speeding, tripping, crawling
The clock will take its time to be right
Not like a meal to be served twice a day
This stuck clock is the one that moves on it;s own time
Stuck, never wanting to be right
you can try to fix it but it will always
find a way to stop and mess up
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Kid in a car
'Write a poem on poverty'
But who am I to tell the tales of the dark lives of the labourers
All I do is sit in the car,
Still as a predator, meditating for its prey
I can hear the mosquito's orchestra out in the street.
Momentary high beams of cars passing by,
And these people are caught like dear in headlights.
But I am a prey, hiding from my predator; the eyes of these labourers that haunt me
Their dark eyes, hair untamed and shingled off,
tendons showing at every joint
Fathers comfort in the alcohol and gutka
The mothers sit by a tea stall, fanning their babies on hot summer evenings, as the day's shift ends and the men come back, to their dens of darkness,
made of bricks and cement, yet so temporary.
Who am I to tell these figments of their lives?
I'm just a kid sitting in a car.
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
Annual Rent
Saturday, 23 March 2019
Topsy Turvy
Look into my eyes
How long can you stare at me?
Can you take it all?
Keep looking
and you might start to see
someone else's face
Who do I look like?
You can't recognise who you see in there so you're too afraid to look
You've been trying to take me
piece by piece
but I'm ready
to give you all of me
at once
the only question is
if you can take it.
Try looking way from the emphasis,
the power,
the truth,
Can you take it?
I'm ready to follow you anywhere
but how far would you go?
Spill your thoughts
And I will collect them
like jelly beans in a jar
pennies in a green piggy bank,
stools stacked over one another.
It's a kids room.
Your room,
Your heart.
It's nothing but a small hoard of memories where live - your shadows, your bookshelf next to lamps, lighters, candies, blades and lightning in bottles.
You've always been too afraid to open them
You're afraid of the fire
Afraid that it might consume you
You're afraid of the shadows
Afraid that they might swallow you
like a dark dive in the ocean
You're afraid of the blades,
Which trod across your seemingly easier paths
Afraid you might take the old route.
Little paintings hang in corners.
But all you paint
is just a dark room with a few stars.
You paint the same starry sky
Every night
Never changing even when it dawns,
on you that time is running out.
All you seem to do is wait.
What are you waiting for?
Saturday, 2 March 2019
Soiled socks and broken egg shells
Sunday mornings with wet newspapers
Puncture tires before the rush and
Always forgetting your toothbrush
Spoiled paint and winter rain
Cold winds and sun rays
Blue socks and no pants
Red hoodies and sun tans
Messy hair lying in a chair
Lazy cat around the legs
Bunched up jeans
muddy prints
Giving sight to pristine shins
Newspapers left out in the storm
Wipers broken leaving water un drawn
Balled up tissues after a flu
And earplugs, where one works out of two
Shoe prints and snow prints and pieces of glitter
Torn pages and books and unfinished letters
Words said too soon, too late or never
Being there at the right time, late or early
Thinking too much, impulsive strikes or nothing really
These actions, these choices and these ripped seams
These are things that seem most spoilt to me.
These are the memories ruined for me
Monday, 18 February 2019
Rain has always been my favourite weather
The thunder,
like my father;
loud and ground shaking.
The lightning,
like my mother;
quick and bright.
Always together,
a step ahead of another.
And I,
rising from the raindrops
collecting in puddles,
their love child,
follows them around.
To some he sounds like war and weary things.
To some she looks scary and scared things.
Together they seem so destructive and I,
was what lay in their path.
Never has anyone seen something,
so destructively preserved,
in a cocoon of hailstones,
away from the world.
Rain also reminds me of my first love,
how we shared a small intimacy in the slight drizzle of rain.
The memory where I knew tranquility and alas it was in the middle of a thunderstorm.
Rain is what I was born in,
to bring a clear sky.
Rain is what I sleep in,
under my starless night.
It soothed me,
when everything was a storm inside.
It cradled me in its muddy arms.
Brushed my hair with gentle winds,
leaving wet kisses on my cheeks.
It taught me how to dance,
without anyone watching.
It taught me that it's okay to get wet once in a while, to slip, to mess up, to nurture, to love, to give, to show your try nature without hesitation.
It gave me, so many memories.
Monday, 4 February 2019
Bah Humbug
"I wanna see what you're willing to loose"
Humans are such stupid simple animals. We all fall in love under that same sky. The one that has changed colours for us since the beginning. We put it down to refraction of light and the wind currents how the sky turns orange and the clouds come together to paint our shared ceiling. The same painting under which a thousand people fall in love at the same time.
Some of us try to become less of us because we think that the we are loosing the everpresence of our fundamental ingredient and it works for some time. But our painted ceiling always brings us together in the most hypocritical ways because when the same sky darkens we run for shelter and find a new ceiling. We're divided and we think we're better off like that. In smaller groups, like a bacteria in it's cyst, we infect the earth with our greed.
We have learnt to displace the balance of the nature for our momentary gain of power and to ignore the consequences of our actions. We are greedy for the ocean's soul to be filled in tanks in the back of our cars, just so the we can move through time more slowly.
Time gained here, life lost there.
Some of us seem to come together and resonate, proving that our atoms have a wavelength which matches. This wavelength represents our energy, which changes. People change. Some people don't always resonate. There are very few people who are able to resonate. I've never had proof that it would last forever. But I believe it to be as distinct as the screeching of tires on the asphalt, that some of us have resonated since the beginning. Since the sky learned to change colours.
Many have spent their lives breathing and not living, surviving but not feeling alive. All of this is for naught in the end, but questions have chants and answers have rants that turn to debate and all we fear is fear itself so really, we are just simply dumb creatures.
Friday, 18 January 2019
In The Way
"When you start to look at me, our physical fatality"
~ Heaven In Hiding By Halsey
Ever searched for the garden of Eden in someone's eyes?
Or the way they laugh at your jokes?
In The Way they say your name and can't help but smile because they find it unique?
In The Way that smile pulls on their face when they see you waiting for them with a coffee in your hand for an 8 a.m. class?
In The Way they tell their mother about you?
In The Way they double over clutching you for support as you finish your parents dance routine?
In The Way their eyes close when you reach to pick an eyelash off their cheek and you ask them to make a wish even though you had stopped believing in them years ago?
Do you still look for the Garden of Eden when they can't take their eyes off of you because "you have this badass rocker vibe, leaning on your car with sunglasses on"?
When they tell you that you remind them of their favourite song?
When they bring you a flower from the garden they were sitting in because they thought it was beautiful and it reminded you of them?
When you hear them talking about how they want to bring a change in the world?
But there are times you wished you never did
Thursday, 10 January 2019
New Year, New Me
though some birds have stopped chirping, rather some cannot.
Still we believe that nothing changes
and the air will still blow
through the trees or the vents
and the birds will sing in harmony or in war
the blind will see the light of the day
New Year, New Me
Whenever you mess up, just start again;
mess up at 8? start again at 8:30
take a break and fall in pace with your heartbeat
don't wait for the new day, year or week
Breathing to live or to calm yourself down
following the rules to stay safe and sound
laughing in places you dare not be
changing your shades to colours you'be never seen
New Year, New Me is a chant that everyone sings
and so praises and promises erases the past
moving on, problem free,
To something that would never last.
is that what you want...?