Soiled socks and broken egg shells
Sunday mornings with wet newspapers
Puncture tires before the rush and
Always forgetting your toothbrush
Spoiled paint and winter rain
Cold winds and sun rays
Blue socks and no pants
Red hoodies and sun tans
Messy hair lying in a chair
Lazy cat around the legs
Bunched up jeans
muddy prints
Giving sight to pristine shins
Newspapers left out in the storm
Wipers broken leaving water un drawn
Balled up tissues after a flu
And earplugs, where one works out of two
Shoe prints and snow prints and pieces of glitter
Torn pages and books and unfinished letters
Words said too soon, too late or never
Being there at the right time, late or early
Thinking too much, impulsive strikes or nothing really
These actions, these choices and these ripped seams
These are things that seem most spoilt to me.
These are the memories ruined for me
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