Monday, 16 October 2017


I'm looking up at the moon tonight 

Bathing in all her ivory glory

Mocking me with her knowledge 

Of all the secrets that I might never know 

The moon knows secrets 

Of lovers and royals I might never meet 

She, a witness to triumph and tragedies 

Since the world began

She might know of lovers and liars 

But does she know about you?

Does she know about the way you move?

Does she know how you enchant me?

Will she remember how your hands fidget when you're  nervous?

How I hold them and your consciousness within  

Will she remember how you bite your lips when uncertain?

How I hold your chin and grasp your gaze 
To see if you still remember my soul

I am your focus 

In a world of variables 
I will be your constant 
When everything is swinging 
I will be the one standing 
When everyone is fighting 
I will be holding you 

The moon might know secrets
But she'll never know you 
For You are not a secret 
You are not a possession 

You are a part of me 
In love we have been bound 
To let go would be difficult 
But seeking happiness does justice 
To the wounds of being ripped apart 

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