Tuesday, 22 February 2022


Do I miss them for their wisdom 
or because they're dead?
Is it the idea of remembering someone?
Or the fact that you can think them up to be whatever you want 
no body to dispute it

For the dead will be dead
Whether they are alive or not
Doesn't matter
No memory serves well
No way to confirm eccentricities or idiosyncrasies 

It didn't matter to me when they were alive
So why do i care now?
What do i bring to the feast of sorrow?
When did I ever give a shit about him?
I don't care about what is alive
What he has left after him
My behaviour says 

"it's all all dead"

So why do i catch myself thinking back to him?

I hope you never find yourself waiting for the sun to rise
For it would be the longest night you'll spend



When my teeth hurt at night
I think I'm rotting;
And one day
All my teeth will fall out.

And when my knees ache in the cold
I feel just like my mother
Though I'm still 20
My bones feel older

Blood shot eyes from staring 
I feel like my father 
I think I've gotten off track 
I have my mother's eyes and my father's face.

I'm shorter but I want to lift up the world
So i can overthrow it.
I don't actually know what I want.


I feel like a genius 
I feel like a burnout
I feel average 
I feel depressed

There it is
The toothache
The embodiment of my agony.
Have my emotions gotten tired of me?
Are they trying to swim?

My eyes feel sticky
I don't close them often enough
They're drying out 
I try to drink more water
But i wish I could lick my eyes like geckos do
To make up for the irritation.

Everyone is so nice and so pleased to meet you 
And I'm such a delight for I am still alive.
Wonder what could be said if I wasn't
"So True" "Genuinely" "Literally" "Absolutely" 
And the little abundant giggles will be my redemption.