Thursday, 6 September 2018


Dreams are like sand on the beach

You can build castles with them
or let them blow in the breeze 

It sticks to your body 
just like memories

It washes up from time to time
from the sea

You carry it with you in your clothes

Just like the box of memories
that you always keep on yourself

Reminds you of the beach wherever you go
pulls you back for even more

The sea invites you and the sand enlights you 

That it changes and shifts 

and like time, runs out of your hands

You grasp it, hold it, try to bottle it up

like all the feelings that move inside you

like waves of the ocean

where your heart is a ship

that must survive the storms with it

You can vacuum, it, dust it, burn it or mould it

into a glass jar to hold it

like the big friendly giant who caught dreams

and blew them for sweet night's sleep

"Romeo: I dreamt a dream tonight

Mercutio: And so did I

Romeo: Well, what was yours?

Mercutio: That dreamers often lie"

(Romeo And Juliet 
Act I Scene IV )

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