Wednesday, 22 August 2018


I wish you knew how much you meant to me. How deep I loved you. What your smile awakened in me. 
But it’s too late. Some feelings have an expiration date.
—  D.M.

I realised that 
even emotions
have inertia. 
The way we talked 
and connected had 
a momentum. 
It was an actual moment of sparks flying 
combusting in our own hopes and dreams 
and the better versions that we could be
of ourselves, for the other.

I told you everytime 
"I love you"
because it's something bigger
than me or my conscience can handle

I'm always left wanting 
a little more of you.

We gained momentum 
from the first moment,
built it up day-by-day.

Time seemed to be confused
because it couldn't constraint us;
we transcended it's ability.

We played with it, 
stole a second from everybody we knew 
and gave it to the the other
so our lives went by slower
while others sped about.

Creating time loops of memories in my head 
Memories of your laughter,
of your smiles,
of our battles with sleep,
of the seconds you would look at me intently 

Then one day, 
we lost control 
and crashed.

All the momentum lost

The way a car jerks to a halt and 
you're thrown forward without your
better knowledge

Time pushed us forward
without our better knowledge
and the crash hurt
well at least, it hurt me.

Because even if 
you're wearing a seatbelt, 
the crash still hurts.

I try to pick myself up,
try to find out who I am 
in the world where time is ruthless 
to my existence.

One day, 
I couldn't take the silence
and wrote my last letter to you.

I never gave it to you, 
though I carried it around 
with me in false hopes.

I burnt it a week later
because sometimes
you let your words turn to ashes
because you don't mean them anymore.

because sometimes,
it's too late for somethings to be understood 

because sometimes,
things are better left unsaid

and because sometimes
I'm just a shitty poet. 

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