What makes us human ?
What makes our surroundings human ?
Is it the inevitable faults in our processes ?
The way it is inevitable for a weed to grow in a garden. It is not a fault but a variable which cannot be eradicated, only decreased.
The world is relative. Everything varies. But every once there are constants. My constant is that I am a perfectionist, or so I have been told.
Ever since I have started participating in my classes most of my teachers have told my parents that I am a perfectionist.
I really doubt that
Because I am not perfect. Being a perfectionist does not mean you are perfect, it means you constantly want to be perfect. The perfect student, perfect daughter, perfect sister, Perfect
I've written that word so any times now that it seems so empty of it. Just like the word love. I've said it so any times that I feel it has lost its meaning.
Sometimes I feel broken. Like something might've broken me. I can't put my finger on what broke me or why I feel this way. Sometimes I feel like nothing was ever wrong. Do I cause trouble for people because of my moods ? Maybe if I wasn't so moody. It would be easier for them if I just didn't bother them. Everybody already has a lot to deal with either ways....
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