I never learnt how to say good bye
They taught me how to say hello
How to learn about them
Likes; dislikes
Finding out commonalities
Like the details of a beetle wing
Holographic rows of crystals
And how it makes the light bend
How to press flowers
How to polish shoes
Iron your shirts and comb your hair
Carry gum and a pocket watch
Tell the time to drop them off
But never how to say good bye
How do you break a heart and then say
"Good bye and best of luck"
Without sounding like an asshole
How do you express
"I wish I could have loved you as much as you loved me"
How do you show
"I'm so sorry for the way things have turned out but this is the best I can do"
How do you say good bye to something you were too afraid to try
No one taught me that
How do I learn
If not by trying
But at what cost
At what fucking cost
A dozen or two broken heart?
I'd rather not say goodbye