Wednesday, 20 January 2021


I hope lovers fall asleep and never wake up
like the ones at Pompeii.
I hope they find dreams in each other's arms 
and they never wake up.
It may be ill of me to wish such a curse
upon all the lovers in the world
but I wish not for them to know
how cruel the world is. 

For once they are awake
they are bound to be bitter.

Bitter towards the broken dreams
and towards each other.

I hope the lovers are spared of this bitterness, 
which seems so human in it's own fault
Maybe if all the lovers fell asleep at once,
the world will be rid of love.

Love is the hope in the darkest times,
without lovers, will we still know how to love?
Test out your humanity.

Will new lovers evolve, who never sleep?


I don't know who I am dreaming of anymore
but my dreams feel beautiful.
I need to put up curtains 
so that I can sleep.
The sun is too bright, 
however you see it.

You can't see the sun from my bedroom window,
hell you can't see anything but white walls.

There is a wall right next to it, 
one in front of it and a few surrounding it, 
Yet the sunlight shines through the vines climbing on the grill
and at it's peak, reflect off the wall and into my eyes.
What ever did I do to the architect of the house and the sun
that they push my sleep away through their schemes. 
Yet the lizard on my window grill 
appreciates their shenanigans.
It lazes in the light, 
the blood running warm
as I squint on my glowing screen 
to differentiate between we're and were.

We are in a room together.
Laughing under covers in the winter 
talking about drugs and dolphins
men shitting their pants while riding motorcycles
I tell you the story of the sailor who the sea was in love with
and how she fell out of love
into a cold and quiet sense
like a marriage that fell apart
I saw all of it unfold in a dream.

We were in a room together.
But now I can't stand the thought of it.
How can you face me again?
How can I face you without thinking twice
without the thought of slapping you crossing my mind
But I'll always tell you the story of how much the ocean loved the sailor
and how he watched the life in her, 
hoping he could have loved her more.
When all he got were the quiet still waves,
he wished to stir her up with his own hands-splashing in the water.

What is the touch of someone you loved 
against an ocean of cold depth. 
Life frozen in glaciers, 
waiting for the summer to come 
and bring her back life.