Sunday, 21 July 2019


Why are people with glasses considered smart?
I suppose it's because they choose to see the world as it really is
Some people just accept that their blurred vision is, well, just how it is
while the ones with glasses at some point realised
'hey, that's not right!' and decided to change their views
everytime they put their glasses on, they make an effort,
to see the world as it really is
that is the passion i see in some

but there is a passion I like to feel;
people always think love is this happy feeling,
which it is, I'm not saying they're wrong
but what I'm trying to express here is that sometimes it is accompanied by a lot of confusion;
confusion that hurts,
confusion that makes you feel that you are in the midst of a creamy midst that seems to stick to you at every turn you take, every flick of your arm, every move you make.
You can't blow it away, you can only waddle your way through it, like a swamp filled with flowers
but you stay to look at each flower and keep it safe in a memory.
When you finally ascend, you're covered in it.

the euphoria never lasts forever
it knows better than to give you hope,
but it made a mistake to ever set foot inside your threshold because you have no limits
you will  chase after her no matter how far she runs
she is your candlestick in this grey world where nothing matters to you except what's in front
because of your quantum conscience
you love her too much

But without love, somethings would not have clarity

Friday, 19 July 2019

for her.

I used to love mornings
The misty air, sun filtering through the fog,
the world reviving itself, part by part
It meant the beginning of a whole new day
A new page in my life for a possibly new chapter

But I dislike them now
I would like to register a complaint about the unexpected

a three nights and two day stay with your soul
like a hotel in my home has left me begging for more
more of you
more of your eyes in the morning under the flying drapes
more of your smile in my arms on the sofa bed
more of your legs intertwined with mine under the table set
more of your hands pulling my hair and pushing me into you

more of you
and nothing more

I miss the sleepless continuity of our days where the nights melded into days and we would just watch the white walls change colours from black to dark to grey and sunlight would make itself known again at a time it was conventional for human beings to awake
but for our stay we were just souls
not beings
just souls being

my arms will ache for you as if a ghost limb begging to be rejoined
 to be restored it to its former glory