Saturday, 20 May 2017

A Simple Tragedy

But I do wonder, is this what love feels like ?
The feeling that I am the one for you and I will treat you better than anyone else could
I wish I could believe it to be true, the former and the latter.
But that is for you to decide whom to choose
Because at the end of the day I become a slave to your love for I would do the required and beyond to fulfill your polite requests.

They say that love is blind
But it is the love that blinds you
Lovesick decisions are never rational but we make them and act on them hoping for the very best
Little are we aware that good intention pave the highway to hell

They say that if you love someone you should let them go
But what if you were never holding on to them
Mistaking lust for love
You danced in your illusions under the nightlight

She was your moon for you loved her gentle glow
But little did you know that you were her sun,
The source of her light.

So wrapped up in each others world were you
Didn't realise what was becoming of you two
Becoming one without knowing, until the day it was time to part.

Finding it impossible to separate each other from themselves
They were hurt and helpless

Finding it impossible to go on
Wreathing memories and feeling the wrath of each other's anguish
It seemed like there was nothing that they could do.
Wanting better for the other
They each decided :
"If I go forever maybe she can go on to be better"

Taking their lives so that the other lives on
So that they don't have to wait to let go and the other can move on

Little did they know they were never holding on...

~Anjora Khatri

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


"Everyone has their own wars to win" 

People go through a lot of tings. Everybody has their own struggles. 

Everybody includes, your parents, siblings, cousins, the people you talk to, the people who cross the road with you, your grumpy milk man, the random stranger you admired while you were in the store, the sweet cashier and of course even YOU.

If not currently, then maybe earlier, or soon, everybody goes through difficulties.

What I know very well is that some people go through a single very difficult time which completely breaks them.

 Shattered into fine granular pieces of themselves like the powdered glass which children stick on the Manja. 

They begin to question their own beliefs and every aspect of themselves. It all feels worthless and absolute waste of time. 

Wouldn't it just be easier to end everything right here ? Just taking that one step shortcut from the top floor to the ground floor....


Recycling of glass bottles :
Have you ever wondered how glass is recycled ? Well,
  1. The glass which has been disposed after usage is separated from the trash
  2. They are sorted by colour and then washed for impurities.
  3. Then they are crushed into fine sand like tiny pieces
  4. The granular shards of glass is then melted to form a red hot molten form.
  5. The melted glass is then poured into moulds to form the new bottles and jars


The man I saw driving down the road on your way to the market ? Middle aged, around 40-45, wearing a plane white shirt which has turned a pale beige after having worn it for so long with the pen that was left to him by his father which he carries around whenever he is nervous or is about to do something important. Accompanied by a black belt with a golden coloured buckle supporting his dark brown ash coloured pants, hair slicked back with a salt-and-pepper shade. His classic round framed glasses with golden coloured rims, resting on his nose. A lean build of short man, driving his small grey car.

With eyes eager to reach their destination. Thinking of all the possibles choices which he has made such that he has arrived at this moment in his life.

Sunday, 7 May 2017


I think of your arms wrapped around me
and my heart begins to beat erratically.

I think of watching the door open
and see you walk through it

and I can't help but smile
at the foolish trial for this impossible future

You seem so distant, unattainable, surreal;

To me you are an image
an illusion which alludes me
and lulls me to sleep in the waves of love

I cannot touch you or embrace you

Since the pleasure of touch
being something I have never
indulged in

Never have I imagined
spending my time with someone
the way I do with you.

If I could, I would fly over oceans
Only to be able to take you out
for meals at your favourite restaurants.

Just so that I can hold you in my embrace
and make you forget about all the pains
that you have ever felt.

I want to lay with you
and hold you as we fall asleep into the dark winter night
which I would brandish into my memory

For you will be the first for me
And I would imagine to be the last for you.
~Anjora Khatri